Back to School Pencil Holder

Back to School Pencil Holder

Celebrate back-to-school time by helping your child make a recycled pencil holder just for his or her homework space. Its alphabet design makes it perfect for students of any age.

What you need:

  • An empty cylinder (a breadcrumb container is a great size and shape)
  • Magazines, flyers, newspapers
  • Ribbon or decorative trim
  • Kid safe scissors and adult scissors
  • Glue
  • Paintbrush
  • A cup of water

How to do it:

  1. Wipe out your empty container so that it is ready to use. Help your child find fun letters, words or pictures that represent school and his or her hobbies and cut them out.
  2. When you have a pile of clippings ready to use, thin out your glue adding a little water at a time. Mix with a paintbrush. This will make the glue easier to paint onto your container.
  3. When you have a pile of clippings ready to use, you will need to thin out your glue for easy application. Do this by pouring some glue on the lid from the container. Then, take your paintbrush and dip it into the water to wet it. Next, dip it into the glue.
  4. Paint the glue right onto your container. As you paint on the glue you can stick your letters onto the container.
  5. Continue gluing letters, words and pictures onto your container until all areas of the container are covered.
  6. Tip: If things start to get sticky take a break from gluing and let it dry a bit while you look for more fun letters to cut out and add to your project.
  7. When you are done with your paintbrush, remember to rinse it with soap and water so that it does not harden.
  8. For a finishing touch, glue some ribbon or trim to the top and bottom of the container.
  9. Allow it to dry.
Back to School Pencil Holder
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