Spring Flowers Matching Game

Spring Flowers Matching Game

Spring Flowers Matching Game

This at-home DIY matching game is great for kids of all ages and perfect for a long, TV-free afternoon. You and your children can create a seasonal game using common household materials you likely already have on hand. So grab your paper and get ready for some family fun.

Step 1: Gather your materials. Grab a glue stick and go to http://juicyjuice.com/activity/spring-flowers-matching-game-template/ to print the Spring Flowers Matching Game templates. You will also need safety scissors and a spoon.  flower1 Step 2: Use the glue stick to adhere the “Back of cards” template to the “Front of cards” template. Smooth the pages with the spoon. Make sure that the pages are flat and that there are no air bubbles. You’ll need to repeat this step for the second set of printouts.
flower2Step 3: Cut out each each square carefully, make sure not to leave any white space around the outsides of the squares.
flower3Step 4: Mix up the cards and place them face-down in even rows. You are now ready to play the Juicy Juice® Spring Flowers Matching Game with the whole family!


Spring Flowers Matching Game
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